web security
The easiest challenges category, if you're sure you have a question, then sure, you can post them in here.
The easiest challenges category, if you're sure you have a question, then sure, you can post them in here.

Other challenges...well what can you actually ask about this then...you just need to finish enough challenges to complete them.
Other challenges...well what can you actually ask about this then...you just need to finish enough challenges to complete them.
no threads in this forum yet!

Pulling your hairs out on the social engineering challenge or any other, then let the people here save you from having some expensive hair transplant surgery.
Pulling your hairs out on the social engineering challenge or any other, then let the people here save you from having some expensive hair transplant surgery.

get the pass
Not getting the password?
Not getting the password?

Questions about the decompile category challenges.
Questions about the decompile category challenges.

Post questions about any of the realistic challenges in here.
Post questions about any of the realistic challenges in here.

In case you have difficulties in making the connection with THC, lookup cUrl on your favorite search engine. Please don't post code that may spoil challenges.
In case you have difficulties in making the connection with THC, lookup cUrl on your favorite search engine. Please don't post code that may spoil challenges.
no threads in this forum yet!

Having problems reaching the GeekUnited site or can't access the first site, feel free to share your stories.
Having problems reaching the GeekUnited site or can't access the first site, feel free to share your stories.
no threads in this forum yet!

Ask your question about one of the wardrive challenges.
Ask your question about one of the wardrive challenges.
no threads in this forum yet!

general discussion
All stuff that doesn't belong in any other forum.
All stuff that doesn't belong in any other forum.

challenge bugs
Although I've finished and completed most of the challenges by myself, there still might be issues around that I'm not aware of.
Although I've finished and completed most of the challenges by myself, there still might be issues around that I'm not aware of.

site bugs
If something doesn't work as it's supposed to, please post it here. Also please specify the browser you used.
If something doesn't work as it's supposed to, please post it here. Also please specify the browser you used.

challenge site questions
Questions regarding the challenge site itself, such as comments, critics, suggestions or maybe even compliments can be posted here.
Questions regarding the challenge site itself, such as comments, critics, suggestions or maybe even compliments can be posted here.
no threads in this forum yet!