latest successful hack
On 21-11 13:41, xseris finished decompile:2, good job and happy hacking!
best 10 challenge hackers
user: zomgwtfbbq
rank: 1
points: 4360
completed: 79/83
user: JMC
rank: 2
points: 1160
completed: 40/83
user: aldaswanrik
rank: 3
points: 815
completed: 31/83
user: sysadm007
rank: 4
points: 800
completed: 32/83
user: botbie
rank: 5
points: 795
completed: 31/83
user: orpalis
rank: 6
points: 790
completed: 31/83
user: ninjafromhell
rank: 7
points: 770
completed: 28/83
user: yeuchimse
rank: 8
points: 745
completed: 31/83
user: kincses
rank: 9
points: 735
completed: 27/83
user: _o_
rank: 10
points: 630
completed: 26/83
latest 10 hack challenges
mission: bypass the lfi filter
Battleplan for Guest
All kind of web based challenges but only around half are actually related to exploiting vulnerabilities. The other half is used to check whether you have the ability to think logical.. what's a hacker with no common sense? :p
finished challenges: 0/17
The think challenges are all kinds of challenges, most are steganography and some have to do with encryption.
finished challenges: 0/11
Again, not really challenges, it's just a matter of completing enough challenges in order to complete these.
finished challenges: 0/9
The miscellaneous hacking challenges, zip password cracking, social engineering, esoteric program languages and more.
finished challenges: 0/5
Challenges hidden from the human eye, you'll have to find hidden passages in order to reach these challenges.
finished challenges: 0/3
Get the pass, like it says, get the damn pass. The challenges are suitable for n00bs and more advanced web hackers, also some passes have one or more encryptions.
finished challenges: 0/3
Cracking, decompiling, reverse engineering, if you're a cracker, this is your kind of matter.
finished challenges: 0/5
Real life website vulnerabilty scenarios, break out of the forum's layout and try to break into the websites, again the challenges in this category range from easy to pretty hard.. you may also find some hidden challenges if you are sharp enough.
finished challenges: 0/5
Most of the challenges in this section are time based hacking challenges, can you manage to solve the challenges in time?
finished challenges: 0/11
My personal favorite category, hack 'n slash your way through 3 completely insecure sites and gain complete control over them using your web techniques.
finished challenges: 0/13
Who needs a provider when you can get internet access for free?
finished challenges: 0/1
not accessible yet not accessible yet not accessible yet
not accessible yet not accessible yet not accessible yet not accessible yet
not accessible yet not accessible yet not accessible yet
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